The Sahuarita Unified School District, in Southern Arizona, encompasses a geographic area of 606 square miles, employs about 860 people, and has 6.493 students enrolled.
Established in 2003, the Sahuarita Education Enrichment Foundation supports teacher mini-grants, college scholarships, the preschool program at Sopori Elementary, the LINK before- and after- school care program, as well as provides resources for educational needs that are not covered by the district’s regular budget. Most recently, the Foundation facilitated in raising money to support special initiatives including:
- Anza Trail School’s fundraising efforts for band uniforms
- Walden Grove High School’s Student Council summer training program
- Anza Trail and Sahuarita Primary Schools’ A+ School of Excellence spirit shirts
- Sahuarita Intermediate School’s emergency kit supplies
- Copper View Elementary’s Lego robotic kits
- Sahuarita Middle School’s after-school sewing program
- Sahuarita High School’s media technology program.
This year, with our normal fundraisers being put on hold due to Covid19, SEEF’s focus is providing the district with Chromebooks that students can use for distance learning at home, or in their classrooms. Each Chromebook costs about $300 with licensing and programs. We hope you’ll sponsor a student today, and help us get “Chromebooks 4 Kids”!